
1123 Dog Hill Lane

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Picture of Daniel P. McHardy
Daniel P. McHardy

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Vše o stříbru aneb Stříbro & Vy

Měli byste si zvolit šperky vyrobené ze stříbra?

Šterlingové/šperkařské stříbro je sofistikovaným drahým kovem, z nějž se vyrábějí ty nejkrásnější šperky. Vyrábí se z čistého stříbra s nepatrnou příměsí dalších kovů, které mu dodají potřebné vlastnosti, protože 100% čisté stříbro je pro výrobu šperků problematické, je totiž příliš křehké a měkké, takže by se v průběhu nošení mohlo poškozovat. Šterlingové stříbro bylo vyvinuto, aby tyto problémy nenastávalay, a v dnešní době je tato jedinečná slitina zářivým spojencem všech šperkařů, kteří s ní pracují a vyrábějí z ní elegantní, luxusní šperky. 

Jednou z výhod nákupu stříbrných šperků je tedy jejich výborná trvanlivost. Stříbro je navíc materiálem poměrně lehkým, tedy ideálním pro každodenní nošení. Ozdobit se tedy stříbrem je dobrou, praktickou volbou. 

Stříbro vs. ostatní kovy

V klasické šperkařině se pracuje se třemi kovy: stříbrem, zlatem a platinou. Mezi nimi vyniká stříbro v několika podstatných faktorech. 

Když se zaměříme na funkčnost a praktičnost, stříbro dominuje, protože je tvrdším kovem, než jsou zlato i platina, která se velmi snadno poškrábe a poškodí. Z hlediska vzhledu je stříbro neobyčejně krásným kovem. Ve své čisté, vyleštěné podobě je stříbro andělsky světlé, téměř bílé, což je ve srovnání například s našedlým bílým zlatem a ještě více našedlou platinou velmi žádaným, nadčasovým vzhledem. Velmi vynikne především na opálené kůži a tmavších odstínech pleti. 

With its beautiful luster and high quality, sterling silver is pretty much the most affordable precious metal on the market which makes it possible to buy unique high-end and luxurious jewelry at an affordable price.

Benefits of Choosing Sterling Silver
Sterling silver earrings: Earrings made of sterling silver are bestsellers. Not only do you get the most beautiful and sparkling earrings – they are also robust and strong enough to withstand bending.

Sterling silver necklaces: A sterling silver necklace is a practical and beautiful choice that can be worn every single day for many years into the future. The necklace is made of a solid material that does not scratch or burst easily which clearly makes it a preferred choice.

Sterling silver rings: When it comes to rings, it is incredibly important and crucial that they can be worn daily without having to worry much about wearing the ring. Rings made of sterling silver are preferable as they are extremely durable. The rings are easy to wear and keep their shape even though they are worn daily.

Sterling silver bracelet: it doesn’t matter if you love massive bangles or fine chains. An elegant and beautiful bracelet can add the final touch to any look – but if the bracelet is damaged or bent, the radiance from the bracelet quickly vanishes. Therefore, it is always a good idea and an advantage to choose sterling silver since the precious metal significantly enhances the durability of all bracelet types – both for heavy and massive bangles and fine small chains. This allows you to wear your beautiful and sparkling bracelets every single day.

By choosing jewelry made of sterling silver, you get a completely beautiful, affordable, and extremely functional piece of jewelry that can be worn at any event day or night!

Sterling silver allows you to find the jewelry you have been dreaming of without compromising on your budget.

Lifespan and Durability
As mentioned, jewelry made of sterling silver manages to maintain its beautiful luster and shape in daily use which makes the jewelry a must-have for any jewelry lover.

Beautiful and elegant jewelry never goes out of fashion. And if you take care of it, it can last for generations and be with you forever.

Many people suffer from nickel allergy or other forms of allergy to various metals that appear in various jewelry. In this situation, sterling silver is a good choice when it comes to allergy-friendly jewelry. The jewelry can be worn daily without significant risk of reactions to allergies.

A Timeless Choice
Sterling silver allows you to keep up with the latest trends and tendencies without breaking your budget. The radiance and luster of a piece of jewelry made of sterling silver mean that the piece of jewelry remains timeless, elegant, and radiant throughout time. In addition, silver is a beautiful and universal color that goes timelessly with any look and can be worn for everything in your wardrobe.

Whether you are invited to a big event, wedding, birthday or just a cup of coffee with a dear friend, beautiful jewelry made of sterling silver can always make you look perfectly put together, beautiful, and sparkling

In addition, the neutral and fine silver color also goes beautifully in contrast to other jewelry metals such as white gold, which makes it possible to combine and stack the various jewelry combinations for an elegant and sophisticated look exactly as you prefer.

Sterling silver jewelry is a must-have for any jewelry lover. The jewelry can be worn for any occasion and put together seamlessly with all your other jewelry favorites! In addition, it is an incredibly durable piece of jewelry, so you do not have to worry about what you do or where you are when you wear your beautiful and sparkling jewelry.

Zažijte luxus tak, jak měl být.

Prohlédněte si naši pozoruhodnou sbírku sterlingového stříbra. Jen ten nejlepší design a řemeslné zpracování.

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